门廊(The Portals)是为墨西哥历史悠久的the Alameda Central广场创作的一个临时装置。它将墨西哥文化中不同时期和功能的门廊(portals)折叠进一个如梦境般的漫游迷宫,与毗邻的著名壁画《周日下午的梦》(Dream of a Sunday Afternoon)相呼应,并折射出中美洲传统中将物质世界和精神世界相关联的文化信仰,和这一城市空间的历史对话。
装置以纵横相连的墙体为结构,采用当地常见的木构体系,易于搭建和拆除。玛雅拱门(The Mayan Arch), 殖民期拱门(Colonial Arch),拱形门廊、彩色住宅门等跨越历史时期的不同功能、尺度的门廊原型,创造出一个路径交织的迷宫。路径中散落布置的日常家具、物件,以及空间序列的反常规布置——最私密的小窗面对城市公共空间,最开敞的柱廊空间面向壁画所在的墙面,——创造出梦境的戏剧感。正如墨西哥传统中的经典隐喻:梦是与先祖和神沟通的“门廊”(dreams as portals communication with ancestors or gods),装置通过“梦境”和“门廊”交织的概念,将空间和精神体验在更深远的城市、文化和历史范畴中延伸。The Portals is an exploratory maze that folds into various periods of Mexican culture through portals, creating a dreamscape that dialogues with the mural "Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central" and reflects on the Mesoamerican belief in the interconnectedness of physical and spiritual worlds. This dialogue extends to the urban fabric of Alameda Central.
Constructed from recyclable timber, a material prevalent in local and regional markets, this installation forms a self-supporting structure through interconnected walls. It is easy to assemble and disassemble. These walls incorporate prototypes of portals derived from the Mayan arch, the colonial arch, arched porticoes, and colorful residential doors of various dimensions, generating a meandering labyrinth. These portals, combined with everyday furniture and objects, echo the yellow hues of their context, creating familiar yet dramatic scenes. They serve as a metaphor for Mexican traditions where dreams are portals for communication with ancestors or gods, extending the realm of dreams into the city, architecture, and history.
The maze's most open colonnade space faces the wall with the mural "Dream of a Sunday Afternoon", while its most intimate nooks with daydream-like domestic spaces face the city's public areas. This spatial arrangement not only enhances the intrigue for passersby but also amplifies a sense of dreamlike conflict, engaging with the urban references of the Historic Center.